well, it appears that this blog still exists. a year and a
half almost to the day since the last post, about seven years since the first.
quick update for all of the folks at home: the format is still my favorite band
with the tarlatans/beach tiger a close second. i am in graduate school at ksu,
working on becoming a marketing director for a university. im making an
(impossible) attempt at getting into the more technical side of marketing
(coding, analytics) and i hope to have so much extra time on the weekends that i
can freelance for a dance company(atlanta ballet, pacificnorthwest). seeing the
grand canyon is on the top of my ‘to do’ list, i hope to make a major move to
either nashville, utah, or colorado. i have future plans to adopt a wiemaraner
and name him hamilton (yes, after alexander hamilton and because of the play). i
still drink hot tea before bed (but sometimes wine) and obsess over being french
(right now i have all of the turtlenecks from jcrew). i saw elton john in
concert last september and cried while he sang ‘tiny dancer.’ i have a pretty
good idea of who i am going to marry, but i have an even better idea of the
song for the first dance (fire by augustana). i am incredibly insecure about my
braces but they will come off in twenty five days, and i am even more insecure
about how i will look once the braces come off (is it possible to look even
i am also on my fourth journal (there is an insurmountable
amount of pressure for this one to be really good, the pattern was discontinued
and the book cost me way too much) so i figure i might as well start off with a
state of the union. one day i will move to a real website but the nostalgia is
real with this one (i have also finally seen star wars and didn’t completely
hate it).
results of self reflection:
i wear one pattern at a time
i show up to work on time
not everything needs to be broadcasted
invest in the good makeup
its okay to eat in front of boys
stop drinking moscato
being in the spotlight is usually a bad thing
i don't always have to be the one talking
be nice. be nice. be nice.
if i'm not having fun at the party, leave the party
when someone shows me who they are, believe them the first time
you don't always have to respond
weightlifting is good for you
facebook is not a news source
my citizenship is in heaven
have a cup of tea before bed.

stranger things affected me because i had such a connection to barb, especially the scene when she watches everyone go upstairs and she's all alone in the hallway. and then the duffer brothers forgot all about her which i thought was savage af.
my favorite 'fast company' article, september 2016.
'those were scare tactics, i have a business to run.'
so i get it, beach tiger is a weird name, but give them a try.
&& this is my favorite song.
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