but one day it all ended. the tv series "watch all 5 seasons in 3 days" binge session was over, which is when you realize netflix kind of sucks.
after seeing advertisements for the savannah ted talk conference this month, i looked up a few videos. i think i ended up watching 8 talks as i cleaned the apartment and attempted the recreation of internet cat memes with fritz.
all of the lectures i watched were incredibly interesting and i think i could gush about all of them, but i really want to talk about this one by angela duckworth. she's a psychologist that studies characteristics of success. she has found that it's not social or economic class/ iq points/ or talent that makes a truly successful person. it's grit.
"grit is sticking with your future- day in, day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years- and working really hard to make that future a reality."
i think i believe her. if she's right, that means i'm doing pretty swell. i know i'm not the smartest or the most creative, but i do know that i try really hard, teach myself new tricks (i taught myself how to code by reading books and watching youtube videos), and throw myself into every possible situation whether i'm supposed to be there or not.
i've ran for sga vice president, tried out for the soccer team, was a finalist for ghp, auditioned for the lead role in every school play, and showed up to every gulfstream internship interview even though they were constantly saying no.
i failed at every single one of those things, and cried for days and it felt like i was dying afterwards. but duckworth (haha) says that those who are successful, the ones with the grit, are able to fail and start all over again.
i mean, phil started duck commander buck commander in the shed behind his trailer.
one of these days i'm going to have them thinking i run the world like michelle's husband.