Thursday, February 26, 2015


it's an odd feeling, to find that life goes on even after the death of my grandfather. 
i'll be in class, driving down abercorn, giving fritz a bath, and i'll think of a conversation i wish i could have. of one last thing i want to say. 

but all of that aside, this is a list of thoughts i wrote down the morning my grandfather died. 

God, please be nice to him. 
maybe i'll take up painting. 
a razorback shirt would be nice. 
my mom is an orphan. 
so it's true, only the good die. 

if there isn't really a heaven, i am going to be pissed. 
will my brothers be ok. 
at least i don't have to see june again. 
i'm going to go through this at least seven more times. 
do i still have his business card. 
can he really see me down here. 

&& i listened to this song on the flight to arkansas. 

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