i love this tee shirt. too bad it sold out on etsy before i could ask my mom to buy it (teehee).
so, due to recent events, my heart was broken, and for about three days i felt like i was dying. i just wanted to sit in the dark and stare at the phone. but i didn't. and after taking some time talking, listening, walking, rollerblading, singing, writing, wandering, laughing, crying, swimming, reading, and even hammocking, i decided against it.
and today, at the fairest coffee shop of all of the land, i decided to not stop loving.
in fact, i'm going to love even more. i'm going to become an even bigger goofball than i am now. i am going to think deeper, sing louder, dream bigger, and give everything i have away.
Hammocking is definitely helpful:
not the kind of hammock i was talking about, but they are rad.